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Qu, Tianshu

Author:   Date:2019-04-13   ClickTimes:


Qu, Tianshu

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Acoustic signal coding, virtual sound, sound source localization

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 6824

Email: [email protected]

Qu, Tianshuis an associated professor in the Department of Computer Science and technology, School of EECS in Peking University. He got B.Eng. and M.Eng degree from Jilin University of Technology in 1993 and 1999. In 2002, he got Ph.D. degree from Jilin University. Then, he became a post-doctor of Peking University. In 2004, he finished the post-doctor work in Peking University. From 2011.3 to 2012.3, he went to Michigan State University as a visiting scholar. His principal interests are in acoustic signal processing, binaural auditory model and virtual sound.

Dr. Qu has published more than 20 research papers, and most of them are published in top-tier conferences and journals, such as IEEE trans. on ASLP, Ear and Hearing, ICASSP, ICA, and JASA. He has more than 10 China patents. He has served as the co-director in the audio subgroup in audio and video standard group (AVS).

Dr. Qu has more than five research projects including NSFC, 863 project, etc. His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1) Audio Coding Techniques: Traditionally, most parametric stereo coding systems use the inter-channel level difference (ILD) and the inter-channel correlation (ICC) as the side information to compress the stereo signal effectively. Qu proposed a novel parametric stereo coding method by using the inter-channel transfer function (ITF) as the side information; Generally, the existing decorrelators are prone to have a comb-filter effect which results in an undesirable “metallic” sound and produce temporal smearing such as pre- and post-echoes artefacts. Qu proposed an accurate decorrelation method based on solving the two decorrelation-related functions in complex-frequency domain.

2) Virtual Sound Techniques: In the Ambisonics decoding system, the non-evenly placement of loudspeakers, the non-identical characters of each sound playing channel and the reverberation of the listening room will destroy the spatial perception of the virtual sound. Qu proposed an environment adaptive loudspeaker calibration method for accurately reproducing the sound field by using the sound field transfer function in the Ambisonics decoding system.

3) Sound Source Localization Techniques: The level differences between the different microphones always are neglected in sound source localization. Qu propose a sound source localization algorithm based on the direction transform functions from the spatial points to each of the microphones which are attached on the rigid body.

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